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Giving Back to Future Generations

Your past participation in the programs at Blue Springs High School was made possible because of the support of those that came before you.  As you reflect on your time at Blue Springs High School it is important to think about how you can give back to future members of the program. 


Your generous donations an help so many aspects of the program.  Specific needs can be funded or cash donations can be used to support the general operating expenses of the Department of Bands.

Here are a few of the options for allocating your donation and the way in which they support the program.

Golden Circle Activity Participation Scholarships

These funds go directly to supporting students who financially have difficulty participating in activities in the Department of Bands at Blue Springs High School.  Your contribution allows more to students to actively grow in their performance abilities across many ensembles.

Secondary Education Scholarships

These funds go into accounts that help support the provision of scholarships for students that have elected a secondary education after High School.  Annual application submissions are considered and funds are allocated based on availability.  Your contribution helps make these scholarships available to more students.

Organization Operating Expenses

These funds go to supporting the various operating expenses of the Friends of the Golden Regiment.  These funds may include supporting new fundraising activities, the purchase of props and other equipment, maintenance of equipment and instruments, the payment of technical staff, educational clinicians, meals for students during events.  Your contribution allows our students to have a positive experience in the many activities of the Blue Springs High School Department of Bands.

Fund A Need - Trailer Replacement

The Golden Regiment is looking towards a major financial expense in the coming years with the replacement of two semi-trailers used for transporting equipment to competitions.  These trailers are a prominent source of pride for the program as they're seen driving throughout the country representing the band program.  Your contribution will ensure that new state-of-the-art, safe, and reliable trailers can be purchased to support the long-term needs of the program.

Fund A Need - Storage Facility Improvements

The Department of Bands is blessed to have some amazing on campus rehearsal spaces with its own storage.  However, as the needs of the program have grown there is a significant need for storage facility improvements that aren't directly tied to the High School building.  Your contribution will help provide for future construction of a dedicated storage facility for props, musical equipment, and other items that are used in the operation of the booster organization.

Fund A Need - New Instrument Purchases

The Blue Springs Department of Bands is fortunate to have significant financial support for the purchase and maintenance of instruments for the various activities.  However, sometimes the costs of these instruments are more than the funds the district has available.  Your contribution ensures that these future instrument purchases can be supported by additional funds from the booster organization.  

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